Here are the New series releases for the upcoming summer in 2011. There`s still more coming after this so make sure you stay up to date with this. There are some anime that aren`t announced yet, that will be coming out soon.
There`s a lot of things that I am personally excited for, one the Air Gear OAD, I can`t wait for it and all. It was one of the greatest manga`s I found out there if you ask me. Also there are some great movies coming out that I am excited for. I am a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (FMA) and they have a new movie coming out this summer named FMA: Milos no Seinaru Hoshi. This is very exciting and all because they are saying great things about it, that Ive been hearing from other blogger`s and friends all around.
Well, tell me how you felt about the "Spring anime lineup" and tell me how you feel about the "Summer Anime lineup" I can tell you something I jumped into "Deadman Wonderland" and " Blue exorcist" They were outstanding and I will be staying up to date with them! Thank you and Enjoy.
Anata no anime to manga no yūjin o aisuru yō ni natta!
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