Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crunchy Roll Marvelous Video Streaming For Moblie

Crunch roll is based off the home of anime company looked in locale Tokyo. With the help of new developments and newer technologies, their company can now translate animes to iPhone and android faster and easier. With the help of American sub companies crunch roll has become an amazing site and resource for today latest anime. We mist thank them and support them for their reliability.

The quality for the video `s being streamed are outstanding and show down to detail,The picture`s and everything within the video`s.For mobile this is one of the best Websites out there that can give you with such great Video streaming and updates constantly Enjoy guys!


Andera Y said...

Heeeey Tony!! :) This is Yoko-chan. :D I got your comment on my last blog post ... on my anime blog. He he! I'm sorry i wasn't able to get on the forum lately, but it's been really hectic for me with all the wedding preparations. I'm almost there! :D
I'll follow you on Twitter from my other account since it's been a long time since i've been on the other one as well. Anywayz, the account i'll be using to follow you is @Andera_Y . I tweet in my own language there, but i do have some foreign friends over there i also write in English to. :D See you there and i miss you too!! :)

Tony Lee said...

Yay!! finally heard from you! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! Well I miss you to and I hope that the wedding is so exciting for you and all. I will follow you back on twitter!! great that I can finally talk to you again! we need you back at the forum it`s getting bad I tell you.

guto said...

Great! In Iphone ?!!!!
Finally a very nice \ o \ really enjoyed this post, thanks for commenting it on my blog, I updated! this time it's a story about Code Geass Special, many people enjoy so I decided to do it.
tambpem changed the subject, is now in the Eoxrcist! then there is
as always the news here are very good!

Tony Lee said...

I saw all of the update`s there doing great! your doing great! :) I enjoyed the code Geass Storie a lot. The change I realized like the second time I went there! it was really good! my friend said they watched that new anime "Eoxrcist" it was really good! so I love the new Look! thanks for commenting!

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