Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shonen Jump - Manga Central

A book shelf full of colors , excitement and complex black and white comics. All perfectly in line, with different titles running down its side`s. Different text but all in one texture clean look. You see bright colors to dark colors with different styles of somewhat Anime Characters. You see lots of unfamiliar Anime Characters and Wallpapers, in this line of Manga Books along with lots of Well-known Anime Characters on the covers of the books.

Every Anime lover , That goes to a local book store and go down the Anime section know that these are the things you see when you are glancing through that section. This could be one of the greatest things that Anime Lovers enjoy about Collecting Manga. 

On the left side of this page is a Image, That I personally took while enjoying my Manga Reading time, that I try to have as often as I can. (Trust me its not often..  unfortunately). I made this post because everyone must enjoy reading there manga , If its online or if its out of a brand new book.

You are welcome to share your Manga Reading experiences with all of us , in the lower box of this post (Comment Box genius).

This Picture to the left is also the Newest Issue of Shonen Jump, 2011 April. 

This Issue you comes with a Yu- Gi -Oh  Card inside, That is very exciting for all of the Yu- Gi- Oh fan`s out there.

Desert Punk - Anime Opening Song

1st Opening Theme Desert Punk - It`s a Very good Anime/Manga that has plenty of Adult Humor and Fight scenes that you wouldn't expect. They are hard to watch without being a little excited.This is the Desert Punk Opening , for the Anime/Manga Series. It has scenes of Desert Punk characters and more.What I love about this Opening more than most is it starts out with a "live Action" type of film in the start of it and through out it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why is Japanese Clothing so Interesting?

The latest Clothing that Japanese Rock Bands and people wear is always so interesting and makes you want to wear it your self. Don`t you think? I mean this type of style and clothing that JRock Bands  wear constantly are very professional along with fascinating. Here`s a wallpaper from one of the hottest JRock Bands out there in japan, UVERworld. 

You can get similar clothing to the clothing there wearing in that wallpaper online from many different places. I personally use the place called "" to get all my japanese clothing and look. Remember though, This look can be on the expansive and it might be best to get it when you really want it. 
Here are some more examples of japanese clothing that is so interesting. 

That shirt is so relax but so intense at the same time. What do you think? I think that wearing clothing like that shows a lot of class and that japanese clothing is very interesting. It shows they take pride in to the way they dress and look during the day. Very interesting. Well feel free to comment on this post at anytime! Enjoy. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Animelovers411`s Life Connection

Here`s Animelovers411`s Life Connection , Which is here to Bring update`s about Animelovers411 the Company , such as Products, Events, Information, and along with the latest news.  This Blog will be used to showcase Animelovers411`s History , and share Facebook and Twitter Events. This Blog will also bring new`s about the latest Anime`s out there and more. Animelovers411`s Blog will be a supporter of this Blog and the content will be similar in many ways. This blog will be like most other Blog`s with me as the author.I am willing to get into contact with anyone at anytime. My Name is Tony Lee , and I work for Animelovers411 the Company. They have gave me the honor to work on both Blog`s Animelovers411`s Blog, and Animelovers411 Life connection.I am excited to be working as a fellow blogger, and Work with Animelovers411. I am here to Spread Recent, Old, and Interesting Stories/Information with all of you guys.I do have a personal Facebook at the time and will talk to anyone if they want me to. Share your idea`s with me and Ill be willing to work with you and get them done. Thank you for your time and please enjoy Animelovers411 Life connection.

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